Flood Hazards: Carmel, IN & Pierce County, WA

FEMA Flood Risk: Carmel, IN

Carmel Indiana located in Hamilton County borders the banks of the White River. While old inlets to the river have mostly dried up, their geography remains, providing a path for water to accumulate and flow after heavy rains. Evaluating the population density and the location of residential parcels and schools against the flood plains, a few areas of concern can be identified. The 500-year, 100-year (or base year), and the floodways are identified. The remaining area classified as “minimal risk” for a flooding event.

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Pierce Transit Flood Risk: Peirce County, WA

Many residents of Pierce County use public transport for their day to day activities. However, some of these sections of these transit routes are at risk for flooding in a heavy rain event. All highlighted routes have potential to be compromised at at least one point. They are ranked by percent of the route that would be compromised in a flood; low, medium, and high hazard routes. This analysis does not account for the severity of the flooding at each point.

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